Saturday, December 19, 2009

Children's book - Grandma Goes Green by Lucy Smassanow & Dorothy Shapiro

The advent of this blog is to launch a new children's picture book titled: Grandma Goes Green by Lucy Smassanow and Dorothy Shapiro, illustrations by Alexi Smassanow, Lucy Smassanow, and Original Photos by Lee Smassanow. Written from the perspective of the grandchild, Grandma Goes Green reminds us of reducing, recycling and reusing transitioning into the idea that it is just not enough anymore to simply recycle -- we must develop renewal energy resources: solar, wind and water in order to "save the world." My colleague and I believe that this children's book is a solution that transends culture, race, religion, and generations.

Here's the background:

Each of us has to figure out what our role is in helping "save our world" from the environmental plight that is a potential plague to our lives on our planet. About ten years ago I found myself speaking alot about the condition of our planet - how we don't seem to care about what we buy, consume and throw away into the landfill abyss - never really thinking about what happens to all that stuff after we simply throw it away. Our world clearly has taken the "reactive vs. proactive approach in how we collectively live our consumable lives. Simultaneous to these thoughts, I visited a friend who offered me a "bunch" of recycled "stuff" she regularly saved and collected to spare the Sullivan County landfill. She knew the elementary school of which I was principal could use this "stuff" to supplement our arts and crafts supply budget while helping the environment.

We need your help in how to create an awareness that this book exists and how we can get it into the hands of people across America and the world.


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Adjunct Professor Education, Literacy and Diverse Learners. Educational Consultant
